Running a roleplaying game can be difficult. How can you make it easier on yourself while adding more epic to your games? That’s exactly what Keith Baker, designer of Eberron and Gloom, joins us to discuss! Worldbuilding, adventure design, NPCs, you name it, we cover it in the longest and […]
Running a Game
15 posts
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern. How do you define horror in roleplaying games? What tricks can you use to increase the horror in your games? How do you stop the tension in your games from getting derailed? Our guests Brian Patterson (d20Monkey) and Jason Marker join us to find answers […]
Several years ago, I ran a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game where I learned a valuable lesson about game prep. Even though I’ve always been an off-the-cuff DM, I still did hours of prep work for every session, creating massive decision trees of how the adventure would progress based […]