The party walks into a clearing. A goblin waits hidden behind a tree waiting to attack. The party may make a Wisdom (Perception) check DC 10 to notice the goblin before they attack. Should the party speak to the goblin, their name is Glob and they wanted an apple and […]
The short version: You can now find episodes of the Gamer’s Tavern Podcast on a new RSS feed at There is also a playlist on YouTube at The long version: As much as I loved producing the Gamer’s Tavern podcast and wanted to bring it back, it increasingly […]
Over the past few months, I’ve been live streaming Shadowrun Dragonfall on my Twitch channel. I highly recommend pushing past the horrible first episode with my horrendous attempts at a German accent as starting with Episode Two, I was joined by Shadowrun designer, the author of the Shadowrun novel Crimson, […]
Darryl takes an in-depth look at the Shadowrun Sixth World Beginner Box from Catalyst Game Labs going into detail on the new Sixth Edition rules including what’s changed, what’s the same, what’s new, and what we’ll have to wait for the Core Rules to know about for sure. Darryl’s text […]
I needed footage of the BattleTech video game so decided to do an impromptu live stream and chat for a bit. Quite a few technical issues since it was a spur-of-the-moment thing and I hadn’t tested this overlay set, so there were some issues with audio and switching scenes at […]
Due to personal reasons, Gamer’s Tavern is on hiatus until late October/early November. We will be relaunching bigger and better than ever when we come back, so keep watching here for updates.
The premier gaming magazine live stream d-Infinity Live!, had a parade of guests on their live stream from the amazing Comicpalooza. Darryl, Ross, and Lauren were among them!
Gamer’s Tavern is currently running TWO contests! The first is for one of three beta Steam codes for Ross Watson’s new game, Warhammer 40K: Regicide. From the designers: “Regicide, the strategy game based on chess set in the classic Warhammer 40,000 Universe from Games Workshop is an adaptation of ‘Regicide’, a […]
Ross and Sean are on a road trip! Gamer’s Tavern host and producer Ross Watson along with frequent guest Sean Patrick Fannon killed some time on their drive home from RinCon talking about what they did at the convention, how to argue about gaming effectively, the independent game movement, the […]
Darryl Mott Jr. (owner, producer, and engineer of the Gamer’s Tavern Podcast Network, co-host of the Gamer’s Tavern, and GM of the Gamer’s Tavern Game Table: Dungeons & Dragons) and Brandon Gensemer (frequent Gamer’s Tavern guest, player of Dragoon in the Gamer’s Tavern Game Table: Mutants & Masterminds, and GM […]
A message from a friend thought lost hits Sol’s comm and sends the team out to take on the 2070’s biggest spin artists. Gamer’s Tavern Game Table is brought to you by: Hero Labs, the award winning character management program from Lone Wolf Development. Affiliate Sponsors: Drive Thru RPG: The largest […]