Is your New Years resolution to change careers into the gaming industry? Do you want to work with the big boys or be your own boss as a freelancer? Guests Sam Stewart and Sean Patrick Fannon join us to talk about how to break into the gaming business. If you […]
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Both Ross and I would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanza, Superb Saturnalia, or any other holiday you celebrate during this solstice season!
Apparently, eating baked ham with black eyed peas and cabbage on New Years is a Southern thing. I never knew that until very recently. However, regardless of the holiday, ham is a great way to feed a lot of people cheap. You can usually get a real ham for between $.99 […]
Dungeons & Dragons is the reason we’re in this hobby. Everyone plays it. But how much do you know about where it came from? Ross Watson and Darryl Mott Jr. are flying solo as they talk about the history of the most popular roleplaying game on the planet, its origins, […]
This episode of the Gamer’s Tavern is devoted to examining the link between gaming and film. Film has influenced tabletop gaming over the years and, more recently, gaming has started to influence films as the kids playing the Red Box grew up to be writers, actors, and directors. This week’s […]
The best fried chicken is very simple to make, but like all simple recipes, the details matter. First thing you want to do is go get a whole chicken and cut it up yourself. I would love to explain how to do that, but it really takes some practice and […]
Running a roleplaying game can be difficult. How can you make it easier on yourself while adding more epic to your games? That’s exactly what Keith Baker, designer of Eberron and Gloom, joins us to discuss! Worldbuilding, adventure design, NPCs, you name it, we cover it in the longest and […]