Welcome to Gamer’s Tavern News! This is a pilot episode for a new show where we bring you the latest news from all aspects of gaming. If you have any feedback, please let us know in the comments below! Our Sponsors Gamer’s Tavern Patreon – Support us and help bring […]
Video games
3 posts
Codename: Van Buren. This cancelled video game was what Fallout 3 would have been. But did you know that the design team made a pen and paper RPG to test? Chris Avellone takes over the Gamer’s Tavern thanks to our generous Kickstarter backers in order to tell us all about […]
What makes a villain? What separates them from just another antagonists and pushes them into iconic if not mythic status? Chris Avelllone, designer of some of the greatest villains of gaming history whether digital or analog, joins us to discuss what makes a villain and how to use the Big […]