Codename: Van Buren. This cancelled video game was what Fallout 3 would have been. But did you know that the design team made a pen and paper RPG to test? Chris Avellone takes over the Gamer’s Tavern thanks to our generous Kickstarter backers in order to tell us all about […]
What role does humor play in gaming? How much is too much? How do you add humor to your games? We have some legends in gaming comedy, Scott Kurtz and John Kovalic, here to tell you all you need to know about humor and gaming. Bandwidth Sponsor Pinnacle Entertainment – […]
Gamer’s Tavern plays through the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set adventure. The group makes it to Phandalin to settle up their accounts, learn more about the town, and meet a new ally. Morgan – Ross Watson Jovus – Sean Patrick Fannon Bellianne – Andrea Perez Magni – Gary Dowling […]
Author Elizabeth Moon joins Ross, Darryl, and Gamer’s Tavern Social Media Coordinator Lauren Reber to talk about the siminal fantasy novel series about paladins, The Deed of Paksennarion! Bandwidth Sponsor: Savage Worlds – Fast! Furious! Fun! Our Sponsors Audible – Listen to the amazing works of Elizabeth Moon and get your […]
Dozens of films, TV shows, and webseries are out there about gaming. Tonight, we give you a crash course not only in the genre of gaming films, but how to make your own! Bandwidth Sponsor: Savage Worlds – Fast! Furious! Fun! Sponsors Craft Beer Club – Amazing craft beer delivered directly […]
Ross, Lauren, and Darryl were invited to the amazing ChupacabraCon in Austin, TX. During the recording, game designer Michael Sattron and convention chair Sheena Colbath joined us to talk about this great, intimate convention in the heartland of Texas. Bandwidth Sponsor: Savage Worlds – Fast! Furious! Fun! Our sponsors Drive Thru […]
ChupacabraCon Special Episode Legendary artist Jeff Dee and Talzhemir Mrr join us to talk about their work reviving the original Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Tekumel through thier setting Bethrom, Jeff’s legacy as a game artist, their work on Pocket Universe, their games Quicksilver and Cavemaster, and so much more! Bandwidth […]
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern playthrough of the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set! The party found the wagon of their patron, Gildar Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter, raided by goblins. Now they take the fight to their home ground! Episode One Episode Two Darryl Mott Jr: Dungeonmaster Ross Watson: Morgan Sean Patrick […]
The year is 2050. Or 2053 or 2060 or 2070 or 2075 depending on the edition. This is the Sixth World, where megacorporations dominate a world where magic has returned and technology has advanced beyond our wildest imagination. This episode, we talk about the campaign setting of Shadowrun with a […]
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern playthrough of the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set! The party found the wagon of their patron, Gildar Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter, raided by goblins. Now they take the fight to their home ground! If they can track them down, that is. Episode One Darryl Mott Jr: […]
The Arcology Podcast ran their second annual New Year special with several Shadowrun podcasters, including Darryl Mott Jr. (owner, producer, and engineer of the Gamer’s Tavern) and Brandon Gensemer (producer of the Gamer’s Tavern Game Table: Shadowrun)! We make a few announcements about the future of Gamer’s Tavern as we […]