Sometimes you make the saving throw, sometimes you don’t. Why is the risk of death important in a game? How should you use death in your games? How do you cope when your favorite character dies? Can a game be fun if your character can’t die? Nathan Dowdell and Lee Langston join us to talk about handling character death in games.
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Accursed – The dark fantasy setting for Savage Worlds where you play the monsters.
Our Guests
Nathan Dowdell
Lee Langston
Ross Watson
Warhammer 40K: Shield of Humanity (Ross’s last 40K RPG product for now)
What We’ve Been Playing
Marvel Heroic Roleplay (Nathan)
FATE (Nathan)
Mutant Chronicles (Nathan)
Arduin (Ross)
Character Death
Temporary Death: The character’s only MOSTLY dead. Due to resurrection spells, coming back as a ghost/vampire/etc., or otherwise keeping the character but in a different form.
Concept Death: The character isn’t killed, but is some way fundamentally changed from its original concept so far it’s no longer the same.
Final Death: The character is D-E-D dead. Throw the character in the shredder and burn the ashes, it’s done.
Games Mentioned: