Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern playthrough of the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set! The party found the wagon of their patron, Gildar Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter, raided by goblins. Now they take the fight to their home ground!
Darryl Mott Jr: Dungeonmaster
Ross Watson: Morgan
Sean Patrick Fannon: Jovis
Andrea Perez: Bellianne
Gary Dowling: Magni
Drive Thru RPG: The internet’s largest source for gaming resources
Evil Beagle Games: Makers of Shaintar. Bad dog, good games!
Gary’s Doodles
And Spoilers
The Wolves
The pool of water is angry
No, they’re not ropers! Not yet anyway…
The bridge became a music box?
The cuddly little bugbear Clarg and the wizard-wolf