The forgotten campaign setting of D&D, as Ross likes to call it. The original creator of Birthright, Richard Baker, joins us to talk about the setting that just might have inspired Game of Thrones. You are a king, lord of your land with the divine right to rule – literally, […]
How do game designers create the amazing worlds we all play in? How can you use their tricks to add more to your own game? Or do you want to become a professional yourself and publish your own game world? Colin McComb and Darrell Hardy join us to discuss one […]
Dungeons & Dragons is the reason we’re in this hobby. Everyone plays it. But how much do you know about where it came from? Ross Watson and Darryl Mott Jr. are flying solo as they talk about the history of the most popular roleplaying game on the planet, its origins, […]
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern. This week’s episode was…a bit of a clusterfrag as we had a guest unfortunately cancel on us at the last minute. But swooping in to save us was Darrell Hardy (who spells his name wrong regardless of what he says on the podcast because everyone […]