Ross, Lauren, and Darryl were invited to the amazing ChupacabraCon in Austin, TX. During the recording, game designer Michael Sattron and convention chair Sheena Colbath joined us to talk about this great, intimate convention in the heartland of Texas. Bandwidth Sponsor: Savage Worlds – Fast! Furious! Fun! Our sponsors Drive Thru […]
Bum-ba-BAAAAH! Bumbumbumbumbum-ba-BAAAAH! This week, we talk about Super Hero games. Licensed from Marvel, DC, or independent publishers or game systems that created their own universe. What games are out there to sate your Silver Age or Modern Era lust? How do super-hero games differ from normal RPGs? Tune in to […]
This week, Ross Watson and Darryl Mott Jr. honor the best in gaming for 2013. From board games to roleplaying games, from accessories to media, we give our picks for what we feel are the best of the year past. We chose our winners based on our own personal, subjective […]
What makes a villain? What separates them from just another antagonists and pushes them into iconic if not mythic status? Chris Avelllone, designer of some of the greatest villains of gaming history whether digital or analog, joins us to discuss what makes a villain and how to use the Big […]
Want to have your cake and eat it too? Welcome to the world of generic or “kitchen sink” roleplaying games. Ivan Van Norman joins us to discuss all the systems that act as a catch-all for your gaming experience, whether it’s the open world full of white space to explore […]