The year is 2050. Or 2053 or 2060 or 2070 or 2075 depending on the edition. This is the Sixth World, where megacorporations dominate a world where magic has returned and technology has advanced beyond our wildest imagination. This episode, we talk about the campaign setting of Shadowrun with a […]
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern playthrough of the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set! The party found the wagon of their patron, Gildar Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter, raided by goblins. Now they take the fight to their home ground! If they can track them down, that is. Episode One Darryl Mott Jr: […]
The Arcology Podcast ran their second annual New Year special with several Shadowrun podcasters, including Darryl Mott Jr. (owner, producer, and engineer of the Gamer’s Tavern) and Brandon Gensemer (producer of the Gamer’s Tavern Game Table: Shadowrun)! We make a few announcements about the future of Gamer’s Tavern as we […]
Want to see how conventions work? Maybe you want to start your on con? We have the best gaming conventions in the country, both big and small, to answer your questions about starting a convention! Our Sponsors Accursed: A dark fantasy setting for Savage Worlds where you play the monsters Audible: […]
You wanted to know what we thought, well here it is. Our opinion of the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons. What’s to love, what’s to hate, and what’s to compare endlessly to Pathfinder; we cover it all! Our Sponsors ChupacabraCon – Join the Gamer’s Tavern at the greatest gaming […]
Our Kickstarter has succeeded and many of you are probably wondering what’s going on with that. This episode, Ross Watson, Brandon Gensemer, and Darryl Mott Jr. update you on what’s going on with the Kickstarter fulfillment, the new show coming to the Gamer’s Tavern Podcast Network, and a lot more! […]
Most gamers get their start in a dungeon crawl. Many of the classic modules from the system are dungeon crawls. Why do these style adventures stick with us so much? What makes them so much fun? How can we keep them relevant in the 21st century? Join us to find […]
Ross and Sean are on a road trip! Gamer’s Tavern host and producer Ross Watson along with frequent guest Sean Patrick Fannon killed some time on their drive home from RinCon talking about what they did at the convention, how to argue about gaming effectively, the independent game movement, the […]
Diet? Exercise? On my gaming podcast? It’s more likely than you think. And not nearly as bad as you fear. This episode, we talk about the small lifestyle changes you can make to feel better and game longer! Our Sponsors Gamer’s Tavern Kickstarter – Help the Gamer’s Tavern Podcast Network grow! […]
Welcome to Gamer’s Tavern Happy Hour, our irregular podcast of mini-shows! This time, Darryl takes you behind the scenes at the Gamer’s Tavern Podcast Network to tell you how we make the show! Don’t forget, our Kickstarter is still going strong, so make sure to donate now! Microphones Plantronics Audio 655 […]
Our second Kickstarter update is live! We’ve hit our second stretch goal, are just $271 away from our third (where Chris Avellone takes over the show), and are 11 backers away from our second Secret Room stretch goal!