Darryl here. I was doing so well for a while. Getting at least one if not two episodes of the show up every week (including our special premium content). However, I’ve had a health scare recently. At the start of the month, I injured my back. This caused me intense […]
We’re in the final hours of our Kickstarter and have an update including the announcement that we’ve broken through another stretch goal! We’re going to be adding a new podcast to the Gamer’s Tavern Podcast Network, thanks to our generous backers! If you haven’t backed us yet, you’ve got mere hours […]
This episode, Darryl talks about the lawsuit filed by Wizards of the Coast against Cryptozoic over their online card game, Hex: Shards of Fate, explaining the various aspects of the lawsuit and predicting how it may turn out. The story from The Escapist Wizards of the Coast Press Release The […]
Ross and I were both guests on the most recent episode of the Arcology Podcast, which is a discussion about Shadowrun with hosts Vox and Mr. Johnson. We talk about a lot about our opinions on Shadowrun as well as the production of the Game Table podcast. If you’re a […]
So if you haven’t read the article I did on deep frying, do so now because you need to know those basics before you can use the tips in here. Because if you’ve never had homemade tortilla or potato chips, you don’t know what you’re missing. And it’s so incredibly […]
This is the backstory of my character for the upcoming Shadowrun Actual Play podcast, Kyle Rogers aka “Babysitter” “What happened?” Higashi-san said. “I don’t remember,” I said. I coughed, bringing a handkerchief to my mouth just in time to catch a glob of whatever it was I inhaled. My […]
Back in June, I weighed 440 lbs. Shortly before Comicpalooza, the first convention I covered for Ain’t It Cool News, I started to worry about all the walking I’d have to do. When I lived in Austin, I was somewhat active because i walked places. Not the case around here, […]
Disclaimer Now, before anyone comments, I would like to point out that in Japan, the word “sushi” refers to the rice, not the fish. So I’m going to focus on how to prepare the rice for sushi. I also live in rural Southeast Texas, so let me tell you how […]
Since we talked about worldbuilding on the last episode before the Awards, I thought I might go into some more detail about the subject. If you listened to the episode, a lot of this will sound familiar because, well, it’s what we talked about on the show. However, I thought […]
Chili is a wonderful dish to serve at the gaming table because it’s easy to cook, it’s a nice, hearty meal, it has a history of being eaten by those on an adventuring trail, and (best of all) it’s cheap. Now, apparently the flamewars resulting when someone asks whether or […]
Back when 3rd Edition launched, I was the first person in my area to run a game in the new system. Also, this campaign represented my first attempt at running a long-term game as pretty much every other campaign I’d ever run lasted a month at most before we got […]
This list is by no means exhaustive, but it’s the ones I’ve found after a couple of days digging around. What are these links? Submission guidelines for various game companies. If you have an idea you’d love to turn into a game product and want to go the traditional route, […]