Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern. How do you define horror in roleplaying games? What tricks can you use to increase the horror in your games? How do you stop the tension in your games from getting derailed? Our guests Brian Patterson (d20Monkey) and Jason Marker join us to find answers […]
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern. This week’s episode was…a bit of a clusterfrag as we had a guest unfortunately cancel on us at the last minute. But swooping in to save us was Darrell Hardy (who spells his name wrong regardless of what he says on the podcast because everyone […]
The night of ghouls and goblins is upon us in a few short weeks, the night when the barrier between the living and the dead is the thinnest and spirits of the deceased return…and the Gamer’s Tavern is celebrating!! We’ve got a trio of Halloween themed episodes for you, the […]
Several years ago, I ran a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game where I learned a valuable lesson about game prep. Even though I’ve always been an off-the-cuff DM, I still did hours of prep work for every session, creating massive decision trees of how the adventure would progress based […]
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern. Have a seat and join us for You All Meet in a Tavern Episode 2, “What Makes a Game Fun” aka “How to Make Literally Dozens of Dollars a Year” with your hosts, Darryl Mott Jr. and Ross Watson. Ross spent the first half of […]
In last week’s podcast, John Kovalic made a point that I feel really should be explored more with some actual data to back it up. Gaming has one of the biggest returns on the dollar for entertainment time of almost any other hobby. I can honestly only think of a […]
I talked a little bit about this in Episode Zero, “Pilot”, but I wanted to go into a little more detail. It’s also been at least 2 1/2 liters of bourbon since I edited the episode, so I can’t remember which points I talked about. I also talked about it […]
Welcome to the Gamer’s Tavern. On the first official episode of You All Meet in a Tavern, your hosts Darryl Mott Jr. and Ross Watson discuss what it is exactly about gaming that draws us to the hobby. Our guests this evening are Bruce Cordell (legendary game designer of many […]
It is with great pleasure that I announce the official launch of Gamer’s Tavern. This website is the central point for what will hopefully be many projects about tabletop gaming. Many of you are probably here from my column on Ain’t It Cool News, and I welcome you to what […]