Chainmail bikinis, cosplayer harassment, lack of female protagonists, and more. Gaming culture has many issues regarding sexism and in Part One of our episode on Sexism, Feminism, and Gaming; we identify the problem areas that make women feel excluded, marginalized, uncomfortable, or even fearful. Affiliate Sponsors Drive Thru RPG: Your […]
Gamer’s Tavern Podcast
Gamer’s Tavern turns to the Dark Side! Want to play evil but are worried about the players turning into murderbunnies? Or dissolving into PvP chaos? We talk about how to use evil player characters and even entire evil parties and still tell great stories and have fun. Affiliate Sponsors Accursed […]
Sometimes you make the saving throw, sometimes you don’t. Why is the risk of death important in a game? How should you use death in your games? How do you cope when your favorite character dies? Can a game be fun if your character can’t die? Nathan Dowdell and Lee […]
Convention Season is upon us! Want to play games at a convention but don’t know what to expect? Or are you running a game and want it to be more awesome? Bill Keyes and Robert Dorf visit the Gamer’s Tavern to discuss the finer points of gaming at conventions. Affiliate […]
Guest William Thrasher from Skirmisher Publishing and the d-Infinity magazine and podcast join us we recap our experiences at Comicpalooza! The games, the food, the parties, and more! Note: The first hour of this recording was lost due to a technical malfunction.Most of what was discussed got recapped after Will […]
The first annual State of the Industry episode with guests Shane Hensley and Brandon Gensemer. This episode, we talk about where the industry is, where it’s going, and where we think it should go. This episode recorded before the big announcements from Wizards of the Coast, but our points still […]
There are more conventions than ever, and they’re getting bigger every year. Isn’t it time you go to a con? Tom Lommel, the man behind Bill Cavalier the Dungeon Bastard and Grady Elliot join us to talk about how to survive your first (or thirtieth) convention. Where should you stay? […]
Say any of these races, classes, clans, builds, backgrounds, or archetypes online and you will be deluged with hate. Why is it everyone thinks bards suck, or Kender are too annoying to let live? And is it possible to redeem these characters? Colorado Area Gamers! There is an awesome charity […]
Everyone can rattle all nine off the top of their heads. But what do each of the alignments actually mean? Ross and Darryl can’t agree, so how can the gaming community? And do we even need alignments anymore? In this episode, your hosts Ross Watson and Darryl Mott Jr. go […]
Ross and I were both guests on the most recent episode of the Arcology Podcast, which is a discussion about Shadowrun with hosts Vox and Mr. Johnson. We talk about a lot about our opinions on Shadowrun as well as the production of the Game Table podcast. If you’re a […]
The forgotten campaign setting of D&D, as Ross likes to call it. The original creator of Birthright, Richard Baker, joins us to talk about the setting that just might have inspired Game of Thrones. You are a king, lord of your land with the divine right to rule – literally, […]
You’re interested in role playing games, but not sure where to get started? Ivan Van Norman and Mark Carroll join us to help you find a group, pick a first game, and introduce gaming to your friends. We also give many tips for starting gamers! Our Sponsors Accursed – The […]