We revisit the topic of superhero roleplaying games. The overlap between Western comic book fans and tabletop gamers, it’s no surprise that superhero games are one of the largest genres of roleplaying games out there. We’ve talked about the different games in Episode 23, but how do you play and […]
HERO System
Ross, Lauren, and Darryl were invited to the amazing ChupacabraCon in Austin, TX. During the recording, game designer Michael Sattron and convention chair Sheena Colbath joined us to talk about this great, intimate convention in the heartland of Texas. Bandwidth Sponsor: Savage Worlds – Fast! Furious! Fun! Our sponsors Drive Thru […]
We spent the weekend at Gen Con, the largest gaming convention in the world! Here’s what we saw, did, played, and more! Please note there’s no intro or outro on this episode as Darryl has come down with the most delayed case of con crud ever and can barely see […]
Very important but very overlooked, art has been a part of gaming since the start of the hobby. But what goes into making the art for game books? How can art change a game without altering a word? And why does Rob Liefeld come up when we’re talking about artists? […]
Gamer’s Tavern turns to the Dark Side! Want to play evil but are worried about the players turning into murderbunnies? Or dissolving into PvP chaos? We talk about how to use evil player characters and even entire evil parties and still tell great stories and have fun. Affiliate Sponsors Accursed […]
Convention Season is upon us! Want to play games at a convention but don’t know what to expect? Or are you running a game and want it to be more awesome? Bill Keyes and Robert Dorf visit the Gamer’s Tavern to discuss the finer points of gaming at conventions. Affiliate […]
Bum-ba-BAAAAH! Bumbumbumbumbum-ba-BAAAAH! This week, we talk about Super Hero games. Licensed from Marvel, DC, or independent publishers or game systems that created their own universe. What games are out there to sate your Silver Age or Modern Era lust? How do super-hero games differ from normal RPGs? Tune in to […]
What makes a character fun to play? We go over all the tricks to make your PCs more interesting, dynamic, and fun. Award winning author Elizabeth Bear and award winning Writer/Producer/Actress Joanna Gaskell join award willing game designer Ross Watson and…just Darryl Mott Jr. to discuss how to create player […]
What does it mean to be human when you can replace your body with cybernetic implants? Does your soul survive if you upload your consciousness into a computer? Cyberpunk and transhumanist games ask these questions. From William Gibson’s Neuromancer to Warren Ellis’s Transmetropolitan, from Ghost in the Shell to Almost […]
What makes a villain? What separates them from just another antagonists and pushes them into iconic if not mythic status? Chris Avelllone, designer of some of the greatest villains of gaming history whether digital or analog, joins us to discuss what makes a villain and how to use the Big […]
Want to have your cake and eat it too? Welcome to the world of generic or “kitchen sink” roleplaying games. Ivan Van Norman joins us to discuss all the systems that act as a catch-all for your gaming experience, whether it’s the open world full of white space to explore […]
Spending the holidays with the family? Got some non-gamer friends you want to hook on roleplaying? Episode 8 of the Gamer’s Tavern has you covered as our guest Nicole Wakelin, aka Total Fangirl, joins us to examine how gaming with the family is a bonding experience, what games work best […]